The NBA 24/7 365 Basketball Dictionary: Eighth Set Of Entries

cre·a·tive [kree-ey-tiv]

1: having the quality or power of creating; originative, imaginative: creative writing.
2: Jason Kidd.
Origin: The playgrounds of Oakland; 1980s.
productive, clever, gifted

doomed [doomed]

1: fate or destiny, especially adverse fate; unavoidable ill fortune: In exile and poverty, he met his doom.
2: the 2011/12 Charlotte Bobcats.
Origin: December, 2011; Paul Silas makes Corey Maggette the focal point of the offense.
damned, done for, ill-fated

in·tim·i·dat·ing [in-tim-i-deyt-ing]

1: frightening in a way which makes a person feel less confident.
2: Ivan Johnson.
Origin: San Antonio, Texas; 1984.
scary, frightening, harrowing

un·lis·ten·a·ble [uhn-lis-uh-nuh-buhl]

1: impossible or unbearable to listen to; cannot be listened to agreeably or comfortably.
2: Doris Burke’s commentary.
Origin: ESPN.
unpleasant, painful, cringe inducing

fast [fast]

1: moving or able to move, operate, function, or take effect quickly; quick; swift; rapid: a fast horse; a fast pain reliever; a fast thinker.
2: John Wall.
Origin: North Carolina; 1990s.
speedy, swift, agile

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