The NBA 24/7 365 Basketball Dictionary: Ninth Set Of Entries

me·thod·i·cal [muh-thod-i-kuhl]

1: especially slow and careful; systematic, deliberate: a methodical person.
2: Joe Johnson.
Origin: Little Rock, AK; 1980s.
disciplined, careful, meticulous

wit·ty [wit-ee]

1. possessing wit in speech or writing; amusingly clever in perception and expression: a witty writer.
2. Jeff Van Gundy.
Origin: began coaching high school basketball in 1985.
funny, amusing, entertaining

tri·an·gle [trahy-ang-guhl]

1. a group of three; triad.
2. an offense made famous by Phil Jackson.
Origin: initially established by Sam Barry; refined by Tex Winter.

re·lent·less [ri-lent-lis]

1: showing or promising no abatement of severity, intensity, strength, or pace; unrelenting: a relentless enemy.
2: Reggie Evans.
Origin: the potato fields of Iowa.
determined, bound, adamant

craft·y [kraf-tee]

1. skillful; ingenious; dexterous.
2. Andre Miller.
Origin: the playgrounds of LA; 1980s.
cagey, clever, smart

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