Ty Lawson’s New Renault Scenic

Lots of NBA players drive European cars, but only one drives a Renault Scenic… with his name on the side.  Feast your eyes on the 100-something horsepower, part-leather upholstered, “compact MPV” that Ty Lawson will be steering during his time in Europe…

This vehicle was apparently given to Lawson by the Lithuanian club he’ll be playing for until the NBA gets their sh!t together.  I’m sure the thought of receiving a free car seemed like a nice perk to the young man.  After all, he’s only collected about two or three million dollars in his career thus far.  That’s certainly enough to provide one with a more-than-comfortable lifestyle, but not so much that free sh!t isn’t cool anymore.  I can imagine how disappointed he must’ve been upon finding out that his complimentary ride would be a brown hatchback.  It doesn’t really get any less cool than that.  The fact that they plastered his name on the side just makes it worse, too.  If someone forced me to drive around in that thing I’d at least want to be able to do it incognito.

Official –Swag-O-Meter– Rating:


It’s so damn goofy that he almost pulls it off on some this is clearly so uncool that it’s funny swag… almost.  Thank god for that opt-out clause.

This is completely off topic, but remember when LeBron won MVP in ’09 and they gave him a Kia?  That still cracks me up.

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