Highlights From Melo vs Goodman Game

The exhibition game of the summer went down yesterday evening as Carmelo Anthony, Chris Paul, and LeBron James teamed up against Kevin Durant and some lesser NBA talent in Baltimore.  Unfortunately, the game wasn’t televised.  To further my disappointment, word of an Eddy Curry sighting proved to be incorrect.  Despite these letdowns, the game did produce one hell of a top 10.  Check it out; courtesy of HoopMixtape.com…

As you can see, LBJ was assaulting the rim on the regular.  Depending on which media outlet you choose to believe, The King scored somewhere between 32 and 38 big ones to lead the stacked Melo squad to a 149-141 victory.  Carmelo pitched in with another 30 or so, and Chris Paul seems to have dropped 16.  Kevin Durant added another epic exhibition performance to what has been a dominant summertime; he reportedly scored 59 points… most of which came against LeBron James.  Based on the highlights it certainly doesn’t seem like anybody really bent their knees and slid their feet, but still, 59 points is 59 points.  The fact that his team only lost by eight is also quite impressive when you consider how over-matched it was in the talent department.  I read that Brandon Jennings and DeMarcus Cousins were supposed to be helping him out, but each of them seem to have been MIA.

I think I’d have to give my play of the night nod to Eric Bledsoe and that off-the-glass slam from Chris Paul.  Josh Selby’s JR Smith impersonation was pretty sick, but sh!t, that jam by Bledsoe was somethin’ else.

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